Saturday, November 21, 2009

SDSU vs Uof U

Big James and I had the privilege to hangout with James up at the Universtiy of Utah as a college possibility. We were able to walk around the field,meet the coaches and watch the game. It's very hard for me to think that I have a son old enough to sign with a college next year... I know his dream is to play at Texas but UCLA is very persistent!!!!

This coming summer he will attend a football camp in Georgia were all the big Southern college recruiters will be there...Good thing his dad his flying down with him...James then will head out for a few more camps in California and Utah...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Thank Heavens Demetrious finally decided what to be for Halloween...He couldn't decided between Micheal Jackson, Mr.T and Obama.... Well I found a mask for 60% off and Obama it was...

Demetrious,Day and myself drove over to Amber's chapel and did "Trick or Trunk" and we had fun... I couldn't believe how many people wanted to pose with Demetrious...Toooooo funny....

Day was of course a Cottonwood Football player...

James rushed home at the U of U's half time to get his body painted blue for the "Monster Mash" at school... The four of them are Disney charters which by the way was very hard to come up with a custom for James... So last night we joked with Courtney and said that Ariel and the Genie ran off together...